Select the membership class that best aligns with your business goals and ambitions at the Mandi Bahauddin Chamber of Commerce & Industry (MBCCI). Whether you’re a startup, an expanding business, or a seasoned industry leader, our range of membership options provides customized benefits and opportunities designed to support your path to success. Discover the perfect membership fit and become part of a vibrant community committed to driving growth and prosperity across the region.
Membership Classes
Membership Class 1
Corporate Member
A Member of a trade organization which is either a body corporate or a multinational corporation with its Head Office or branch office in Pakistan or a sales tax registered manufacturing concern or a sales tax registered business concern shall be a Corporate Member.
Membership Class 2
Associate Member
A Member of a trade organization which is not a body corporate or a multinational or a sales registered manufacturing concern or a sales tax registered business concern shall be a “Associate Member” concern or a sales tax registered business concern shall be a Associate Member.
Documents Requirement for Proprietorship Firm
- Copy of national tax certificate in favour of firm. (Photo copy)
- Copy of CNIC of proprietor
- Bank certificate
- In case of old National tax certificate latest tax return (Original and copy both) of the current year shall be provided
- Sales tax registration along with annual tax return (only for corporate class)
Documents Requirement for Partnership and AOP firm
- National Tax certificate of the firm. (Photo copy)
- Copy of Partnership deed executed on stamp paper worth rupees 500/- and attested by Notre Public (Photo copy)
- Registration certificate “C” issued by the registrar of firm (photo copy)
- Photo copies of the C.N.I.C of partners of the firm
- Bank certificate
- In case of AOP firm NTN in favour of firm and NTN in favour of parties (photo copy of each) to be provided
- Power of Attorney on company/firm’s letter head for obtaining membership
- Sales tax registration along with annual detail of return (For corporate class)
- Income tax return of the current year of the company/firm in case of having old NTN certificate (original and photocopy both)
Documents Requirement for Limited/Private Limited
- NTN certificate in favor of company in case, NTN certificate is older than one year then income tax return of the preceding year is necessary along with NTN certificate
- Memorandum and articles of association duly attested by registrar of company / SECP
- Form 29, in case of change in directors according to memorandum and articles of association
- List of director along with their signatures on the companies letter head pads duly attested by CEO, copy of CNIC of all directors to be submitted
- Certificate of in corporation
- Bank certificate for operating accounts
- Sales tax registration along with annual detail of return
- One passport size picture sole proprietor picture to be provided in case of proprietorship
- If firm is partnership then submit picture of managing partner / representative
- If firm is limited then submit picture of managing director / chief executive or representative
- Original documents to be presented for verification.
- Firm’s address to be written in membership form as confirmed in NTN certificate, if it is other wise the membership will not be awarded.
- Paste the picture on membership form and apply single stamp on both (form + picture).
- A correction stamp to be affixed along with firm’s representative signature in case of over writing.
- The membership application to be proposed and seconded by the two regular members from the same class along with the firm’s detail.
- Latest form 29 to be submitted duly attested by registrar companies / SECP in case of change in directors.
- Latest income tax return in favour of firm in case of old NTN form.
Any proprietor, partner or director is not authorized to witness /proposed or second his own firm or company. The seize membership is not authorized to apply in the same name for new membership as it will invalidate the membership process; in case of violation membership may be canceled.